The Socrates From Idumota (II)

Makinde, the Whistleblower
3 min readFeb 16, 2024

This is unrelated but I have always wondered about the mystery behind Nigerians burying their toothbrush in between their throat while brushing (I hope to get an answer to this someday, somehow).

Related: Just like every other day, I had a new serendipitous thought that would help us grow as humans. I am unsure if you would hate it or not but no matter what, you go reason the matter…

I am not God but your thoughts are not my thoughts, so if you are reading for criticism, I reckon you think twice…

Who go draw me?

Sacrifice is what you need…

Please disregard my Kanayo-O-Kanayo-like statement, but I genuinely believe that this part contains a great deal of wisdom (the title just doesn’t do it justice). For those of us who have a keen understanding of life and can see things clearly, you will likely find it easy to agree with my point even before finishing the read. If you find yourself in opposition, then it seems that you can’t or don’t see things clearly (I’m not the one saying this).

Sacrifice in this context refers to the act of giving up or relinquishing something, often for the sake of a higher cause, personal growth, or the greater good. Sacrificing can also involve personal growth or development, such as giving up unhealthy habits or behaviours for the sake of one’s health and well-being.

Back to the main focus, sacrifice is what we need for growing, and in the achievement of goals. When we take a closer look at the world we will realize this, probably not just realize but recall how we have consciously or unconsciously sacrificed one or two things to get one or sometimes get zero(a moment for deep reflections for Sporty folks) results for what we sacrificed for.

Those times you have to go sleepless nights to get As in your courses, those sleepless nights represent the sacrifice you are making. Those times we have to go hungry just to save up for something we deeply desire. Not to also forget those moments you have to skip going for tutorials to woo that girl at Love Garden (you will think you are making the right sacrifice until you eat Beans).

Those seemingly trivial things we do count as the sacrifice we put towards achieving our goals, and desires and satisfying our appetite. The little discomfort we feel during those times of sacrificing is what counts as a sign of our determination and efforts toward actualizing our goals.

Feeling like Socrates really, see formula!

However, acknowledging that we humans have to sacrifice to get a particular value does not guarantee a positive outcome. If you have to doubt this, consider a chronic gambler who ‘sacrificed’ his money, time, and sometimes his logical reasoning towards winning a thousand naira in a bet and eventually ends up with zero cashout due to some reasons I am oblivious about (or perhaps Chelsea got beaten again!), this person in question sacrificed something but ended up with zero positive outcome. Thomas, just agree with Socrates!… Just because we humans have to sacrifice does not always guarantee positive outcomes.

In Conclusion…?

I honestly don’t know if I should end this story or not, even though I have several ideas that can help humanity but I am in the dilemma of putting my thoughts down for fun and trying to impress my consistent 20% of readers.

This is not a promise but I might continue this as a sequel and put the thoughts down whichever way they come through. Expect me in approximately fifty thousand full blue moons from now…

**Clouds open…Socrates unwraps his Garri bag**

**Garri no dey clouds, I no go anywhere **



Makinde, the Whistleblower

If I could write my thoughts, I would shove them down your throat!