The Socrates From Idumota III

Makinde, the Whistleblower
4 min readApr 19, 2024
New Photoshoot guys, purrr

There are quite many theories describing human cognitive abilities, you know those explanations on how creations made in the image of God behave and think about things in their world, howbeit if there is one theory I have not come across yet, it is the explanation for how we humans are subject to some cognitive processes.

So, what I am trying to cut across is that as humans, inspirations are not ours to control, as a matter of seriousness, inspirations belong to the Supreme being, who determines when and who gets what inspiration.

I know you might be wondering about the essence of my ‘unnecessary prologue’. Anyway, it is just a reminder that you do not have to hit your skull on the rock from the adrenaline rush of frustration when next you are not catching the flow of ideas — Think of inspiration as a fickle mistress.

Even if the prologue is not part of my essentials for this article, accept it as a gift from a wise man.

Comparison: The Centre of Man’s Unhappiness

To be quite frank, I will try my best to not make this article about some compiled sermon from a man who has nothing but wisdom to offer. However, prepare your mind for some “aspire to inquire to acquire, to empire, and to enquire” related talks. I will try not to bug you with much of that, the heat wave is enough to deal with (we deserve snowfall in Nigeria ngl).

Where was I? OK, I said, “Comparison is the centre of man’s unhappiness”. Let’s do some analysis and discussion for you to get my point.

Comparison is an act of placing two things together and analysing their differences through their various strengths and weaknesses.

It is common knowledge that our species are social animals which means we cannot live in isolation, thus, social comparison — to enhance our understanding of the discourse.

Discussion: Our world which has undergone various technological advancements has made it easier for us to have a glimpse of different happenings in people’s lives, this means the media has enabled us to have a subconscious perception about who is rich or poor, the big guns and the small guns, the old money from the new money and you who is “no money”.

Trust me when I say that all of these are triggers to our unhappiness most of the time. Our brain has its way of manipulating us to reflect or think about how people who are our age are doing just fine than ourselves, in fact even when you do not prompt it, your brain will randomly make you think about people who are a better version of yourself neglecting that we have people who pray to be us.

Someone said this, apt?

If you think I am more of a philosopher to say that much about the human brain, have you ever thought of how your brain only remembers the questions you answered wrongly after an exam?

Logical Evidence: Think about it, what if there was nobody to compare yourself to? Like, everyone is just as equal as you, would you feel unhappy? or maybe envision a world where everyone is equally on the run from sapa like you. I do not think you will really feel unhappy!

It is the lag that we believe exists between us and whosoever we are comparing ourselves with that drives us to unhappiness. It works like a process, first with the comparison, which breeds fear and insecurity, this is what in turn births Unhappiness in us all.

Compare yourself with others at your peril!

Despite that, comparison can be positively channelled as a source of motivation for us, how do I mean? instead of getting drowned in fear and insecurity, you can channel that energy to being a better version of yourself, I mean, you can simply learn and unlearn from the person to develop yourself rather than giving room for insecurity and fear. The rightful application of our subconscious comparison can be a drive for successful growth.

Utilize this!

In Conclusion…?

All of these rants, if you may call them that, are nothing but little out of the things going on in my head (life of a wise man, you feel me?) albeit, I’m still stuck in between writing for humanitarian purposes or writing to impress my readers.

Even if I won’t pretend this piece is for your pleasure, give me a 50 clap; don’t I deserve that?



Makinde, the Whistleblower

If I could write my thoughts, I would shove them down your throat!